
immunizationsVaccines are one of the most successful and cost effective public health measures for preventing disease and death. Not only does vaccination prevent an individual from developing a potentially serious disease, it also helps to protect the entire community by reducing the spread of infectious diseases. Parents often worry that their child will have a serious reaction to a vaccine, but this is very rare and the risks are small compared with the health risks associated with the diseases they are intended to prevent. Don't hesitate to discuss any concerns or questions that you may have regarding vaccines with your healthcare provider.

Immunizations are a child's best defense against serious illnesses. Therefore, we recommend following the American Academy of Pediatrics' immunization schedule. It is Jamestown Pediatrics'  policy that we will no longer accept New Patients that refuse to follow the recommended immunization schedule.

If you have any questions/concerns about immunizations, feel free to contact us.

Recommended Immunizations for Children 0-6 Years of Age

Recommended Immunizations for Children/Teens/Young Adults 7-18 Years of Age